This is the process that allows you to upload a file to the Advantos secure FTP server. In
order to accomplish this you need to install a secure
FTP client then configure this to access our secure FTP server.
Once this software is installed, Advantos will provide credentials to access this server and
will assign a group of sub-directories for your company's use.
Steps to Take
Generally, to upload any file to Advantos you will accomplish the following steps:
Make sure you have access to the file within your network. It is usually easier to locate
the file onto your desktop (but this is not necessary if you know something about networking).
Connect to the Advantos secure server using Bitvise SSH Client (formerly Tunnelier) or some
other security ftp client.
Double-click the sub-directory you wish to upload to in the right window pane (the sub-directory
on the Advantos server).
Drag'n drop the file from the left window pane to the right window pane.
Exit the Bitvise SSH Client explorer window.
Close the Bitvise SSH Client software on your computer.
A Video Example
The following is a simple example of the upload process:
The video