Trust Receivable Frequently Asked Questions


There are a number of Frequently Asked Questions answered here. In order to view the answer(s) you should click on the question and you will be able to review the answer.

Should you have any questions not listed here, send us an email and we will review for inclusion.

How do I delete a unit?

It is extremely dangerous to delete a unit once it has been created and has processed transactions. However, on occasion it is necessary to delete a unit. When a unit is deleted the transactions, activity, and dates records are deleted. The following restrictions are applied when allowing a unit to be deleted:

  • A user's security level must be 6 or higher.
  • You cannot delete a unit you are adding.
  • You cannot delete a unit with a balance due.
  • You cannot delete a unit with an active:
    • Unapplied payment.
    • advanced payment.
    • security deposit.

If you have assigned an incorrect unit # and want to change the unit#, contact Advantos and we will show you how to do this.

What date do new invoices use when adding a unit?

When creating T/R invoices, while Adding a Unit, the date used for primary charges will be the 1st of the current billing period. The date used for 'Other' billings will be the effective date of adding the unit; as it appears in the 'Effective Date' field of the Add program.

How do I process a refund?

In order to process a refund, access the Post Charges & Credits process and find the receipt you wish to refund (identify the receipt by its reference number). This will display the detail on the receipt and offer the user an opportunity to [R]everse or [RF]efund the payment. Make sure you select [RF]efund. If a Refund is selected then A/P information will need to be entered in order to create an A/P invoice to pay. Note: an partial refund can be entered by simply creating an invoice then selecting the 'REF' description code then selecting the [RF]efund file option.

How do I create a manual NSF, Pmt Reversal, or Refund?

In order to process a manual bank-impact transaction, access the Post Charges & Credits process and enter a new invoice# (press [Enter] at the Inv# prompt). For the description enter NSF, BAK, or REF code, which will automatically enter the G/L acct# and proceed to the Enter Action: prompt. At this prompt enter [R]everse for an NSF or BAK item or [RF]efund for a REF item. If a Refund is selected then A/P information will need to be entered in order to create an A/P invoice to pay.

What happens when a refund is reversed?

When a Refund invoice is reversed an A/P credit is NOT created, so the previously created A/P invoice, created during the original Refund, will have to be deleted manually.

What should be done with an overpayment?

When a receipt is processed and there is an overpayment, simply apply the overpayment to Advance (which will automatically be done anyway).

How do I transfer funds from one unit to another?

There are two ways to transfer funds from one unit to another, within the same client: 1) backout the payment from one unit and post the receipt to the other unit, or 2) for an apartment-type client only, if the funds are in UNAPPLY, move the Unapplied to another unit. To move the funds to another unit see the Post Receipts process. To backout the payment, either select the receipt to reverse or create an individual "Backout" T/R invoice. To do this, use the Post Charges and Credits process. To move the funds to another unit, use the Post Receipts process.

How do I apply a payment to multiple residents/owners?

Split the payment up into multiple payments for each unit#. Use the same check#, date, and payee for each unit. If, however, the payment is to be split up amount different bank accounts, then the amount should be applied to unit# OTHER and an A/P check should be issued for the overpayment to each client who should receive part of the payment. It would be best to make sure whoever makes the payment issues multiple checks for each bank account.

How do I process a wire transfer type of payment?

Access the Post Receipts process and use "CK" as the source and "WIRETRNF" as the check#. At the OK? prompt simply enter "D" to deposit this transaction immediately. The amount will be applied to the proper unit, a bank deposit will be made, and the history will be updated. This is an easy way to deposit a single payment without going through T/R option# 2.

How do I change the late fee rates?

Late fee rates are maintained in the Client Maintenance process. Rates can be either a fixed amount assessed each period or a percentage (%) amount assessed against a current due or a balance due. To change these values simply enter new values into this process.

How do I change the owners Monthly billing amounts?

For changes to the billing amount for the NEXT billing period, proceed to the Change Billing Amounts process and select the method to use to change charges. Select either the client# or unit# to change. Changes can only be accomplished in these two processes, as changes for the current billing period can cause problems with billing and statementing.

When would EOM Auto Invoicing not create a charge on a Unit?

T/R auto invoicing occurs, automatically, during the T/R End-of-Month process. All units have their next billing cycle charges created on their accounts where the amounts will appear on all reports and histories. The folloiwng are the only reasons a unit would not have amounts automatically created during this process:

  • An invalid client.
  • An invalid customer/unit.
  • Unit has already been auto-invoiced for next billing cycle.
  • The unit has a Z2 billing type.
  • The unit has a zero amount in the Rent and Oth chrgs fields.

Can a security deposit be transferred from one unit to another?

For apartment-type units, security deposits may need to be transferred from one unit to another. Since this cannot be done directly, the solution is to apply the security deposit to unapplied, [M]ove the unapplied to the desired unit, then apply the unapplied to the security deposit.

What is the billing date on the Delinquent Aging report?

The date is the date the invoice was actually created if the client billing type is coupons (code 2) or no statements (code 0). If the client is a statement client the billing date is defined as the 1st day of the clients next billing cycle.

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