
The purpose of this process
is to follow-up on changes of ownership for those Clients whose units are
bought and sold (versus simply being leased by the owner of entire building.
e.g. Condominium vs Office building).
The key element of a
Customer file is the "Deed/Ownership" document. Maintaining an accurate
record of property ownership can become increasingly more difficult in a
"down-turned" economic environment. An Association waits passively
for any of the financial institutions to notify them of changes in
ownership, will immediately find the accuracy of their Customer files
You can start a more
active program of soliciting changes in ownership documents.
It should be noted, any programs developed by Advantos
Systems, Inc. is thoroughly explained to the Board of Directors and each
Board can vote to approve or disapprove the implementation of the program.
To effectively
explain your program, if is advisable to divide the process into two (2) segments.
The two segments can be referred to as "Passive" and "Active" solicitation of
current ownership documents. The following is an abbreviated explanation of this
Passive Solicitation of Ownership Data
This method is usually
adequate in good economic times. All you must do is wait for the phone
call or transmittal letter from the financial institution responsible
for completion of a sale on property in your Association. Then you complete
the following tasks:
- Financial institutions (banks, mortgage companies, AHFC, etc) will call
your office to request updated information needed to complete the sale of
- Your office will complete a "Transfer of Ownership" worksheet.
- Within 24 hours of the above request, your office will prepare all of the
documents needed for the "Transfer Package" including:
- A Customer "Payoff" letter outlining all amounts due, and
- All amounts due on account must be reviewed, including any amounts
not kept on the computer system.
- Their individual Customer file must be reviewed for anything
relevant to the closing.
- A currently prepared "Budget".
- A currently prepared "Income Statement".
- A currently prepared "Balance Sheet".
- Minutes from last two Board of Directors meetings.
- Letter from Board certifying owner occupancy percentages.
- Once you've prepared this package, you contact whoever requested it.
- Retain a copy of this package (in suspense) to insure the sale is
monitored. If you don't receive the closing documents then you will contact
the closing company to send the documents to us.
- Upon receipt of the completed closing documents the following steps are
taken to complete the "Transfer of Ownership" process:
- The suspense copy of the "Transfer package" is reviewed.
- Appropriate Customer information is written down to be posted to the
computerized Customer file by one individual in your office. This limiting
of input increased the liklihood of accurate data being maintained on
each Customer. Make sure the MOVE-IN function is used instead of just
changing the name of the unit owner.
- Copies of all payments are attached to our suspence documents and to the
closing documents received and filed in the Customer's permanent file.
- All payments received are posted and deposited.
- Any discrepancies noted in information or payments are promptly investigated.
This investigation usually requires telephone inquiries to the financial
institutions, closing companies, new owners, and/or the Board of Directors.
- This investigation will lead to either collection of additional information
and/or funds from the closing companies or financial institutions (which is
like pulling teeth) or writing off the uncollected amounts.
The price for the above
services, which are solely predicated on Unit sales and have nothing to do
with your ongoing operations, is $100.00 - $200.00. This fee is billed
back to the closing company and is included in the payoff figures supplied
by you. This is a small sum to pay considering the difficulty encountered
during the sale of someone's home.
Active Solicidation of Ownership Data
Instead of waiting
for a request from one of the financial institutions,
which may or may not be made, you can pursue a more active method of
collecting and maintaining Customer information. This active solicitation
can become a very important part of your information capabilities. More
importantly, since its implementation, you can expect delinquencies to decrease
and collections become less difficult.
Investigative research
is combined with the normal review of delinquency reports, memos from homeowners,
mail returned to your office, and any other information available.
These items have always been reviewed periodically; however, when you combine
this research under one program, the value of the information increases
You should review any
public information access systems to access statewide recording offices,
state corporation files, Municipality property appraisals, civil court case
files, State Game & Fish files, voter registrations, and anything available.
Information from the State Department of Motor Vehicles can also
be useful. There may be a centralized information access system available
to you giving you access to this information.
Once you have briefly
identified the basic elements of the program, here's how it can all work for
you. The key elements are investigative researching and maintaining a central
file system for all information collected. These basic steps are as follows:
- Every piece of mail returned "undeliverable as addressed" is
stamped, logged, and filed in the Customer's permanent file.
- Notes/memos from customers are date stamped, reviewed and filed in their
permanent file.
- Delinquency reports are reviewed and annotated to reflect any additional
information collected to help explain the delinquency. These notes
include problems with mail delivery, utility shut-off notices, neighbor
contacts, or owner contacts.
- Accounts appearing three or more months delinquent will also be researched
through the Public Information Access System unless there is some information
on file indicating other action is required.
- Other accounts, not three months delinquent, will also be researched
through the Public Information Access System if there is information on file
indicating a possible sale or foreclosure action is pending.
- If a document has been recorded providing proof of a recent ownership
change or pending change (i.e. "Notice of Default and Trustee's Sale") the
document is immediately requested from a title company.
- If no change appears, the delinquency report is annotated and the research
continues until the account status changes.
- After the documents are ordered and received from the title company, the
necessary documents are prepared, processed into your information files, and
posted into the computer files.
Changes effecting ownership
need immediate attention to prevent problems. Active soliciation of ownership
information is one way to speed up the normal process. The fees associated with
this active method are as follows:
- The time spent accessing any Public Information Access System can be
invoiced at $125.00 per hour. This rate includes the
cost of computer usage, computer user, and research assistant. It
usually takes at least three to five minutes to sign onto the computer
system, research an account, and sign off of the computer system.
- When a unit is foreclosed upon, you can charge a $75.00 -$100.00 fee for
the cost of processing the discovered information. This fee is billed back to the
new owner of the unit (usually the financial institution) on your behalf.
- Each Deed/Ownership document received from the title company can be invoiced
back at $5.00 - $25.00 per copy; which is your cost.