
This process manages the creation, tracking, and closing of violations. It is
designed to manage and maintain the information needed to handle violations for
a management company and their clients.
When creating a violation, a limited amount of information is normally created.
Thus, when creatinig a violation one only has to enter the client, the unit, the
date the violation was opened, the contact information for the unit, the violation
code, and the violation description. Once this information is entered the violation
is simply tracked and updated with tracking information.
The first step in using the Violation Tracking system is defining the Violation
Codes. The violation codes are a 3 or 4 character code associated with a text
description. Additionally, the codes may have secondary text associated with
a particular client. Both description fields are available for inclusion in
your Mail Merge Violation Letters.
To assist you in defining the most useful Violation Code scheme, we suggest
you review the text of your Violation Letters. Text that applies across
associations might be included in the General Description. Text that is
specific to each HOA (for example, CC&R references) might be included in
the Specific Client Description.
Some examples are provided in the table below:
Violation Code |
General Description |
Description for a Specific Client |
Mail Merge Field <CODE> |
Mail Merge Field <DEFDESC> |
Mail Merge Field <HOADESC> |
Exterior Fences must be maintained by the Homeowner. All damaged boards
must be replaced and painted. |
Per HOA regulations, fences must be painted Frazee #399 Terrazo. |
General Landscape maintenance is needed on your property. You are
required to maintain the landscaping on your lot, including repair of
any dead or diseased grass, ground cover, shrubs or trees. |
According to the Chugiak Hangars Association Rules and Regulations,
pg. 5, Property, "Property shall be kept in 'good' repair and condition.
Definition: 'Good' is the quality of the appearance and physical
condition as determined by the Architectural Committee or BOD.
Quality is measured on basis of cleanliness, paint condition, foreign
material buildup, structural integrity, mold, mildew, rot, chipping,
peeling, rust, debris, clutter and other conditions." |
YGM2 |
General Landscaping Maintenance Needed |
You are required to maintain the landscaping on your lot, including
repair of any dead or diseased grass, ground cover, shrubs or trees.
According to the Chugiak Hangars Association Rules and Regulations,
pg. 5, Property, "Property shall be kept in 'good' repair and condition.
Definition: 'Good' is the quality…. |
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The violation letter process uses MicrosoftWord to generate Mail Merge
letters from an excel data source. The first step to setting up your
letters is to create a letter and determine which data fields will be
required. Check the Field Descriptions table for
more information. You will then use the Tools >
Data Transfer Builder
menu option to generate an excel file containing those data fields.
For example, this is a sample Initial Notification (or Letter1):
After the mail merge process is completed, the above will result in a letter that is what has been
created for mail-merging via Microsoft Word or other such product.
Click here for instructions on using the Data Transfer Builder.
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The letter name line (in mixed case) of the primary resident. |
The address #1 of the primary resident |
The address #2 of the primary resident |
The address CSZ of the primary resident |
The client# this Violation is assigned to. |
The client name. |
The unit# this Violation is assigned to. |
The physical address (both lines as displayed in the Unit Information screen). |
The first line of the physical address (normally the street address). |
Who recorded the Violation. |
The violation code assigned this violation. |
The default description for the violation code. |
The custom HOA description for the violation code. |
Detailed description entered on violation maintenance screen. |
The communication notes recorded in the Owner Notes field. |
The date the violation is opened. |
The date the violation order is complied with. |
The date the 1st letter was sent. |
The date the 1st letter was to be complied by. |
The date the 2nd letter was sent. |
The date the 2nd letter was to be complied by. |
The date the 3rd letter was sent. |
The date the 3rd letter was to be complied by. |
The date the 4th letter was sent. |
The date the 4th letter was to be complied by. |
The date of the scheduled hearing. |
The time of the scheduled hearing. |
The location of the hearing. |
The hearing decision rendered. |
The date the violation was closed. |
Contact name (if different than owner) |
Contact Phone# (if different than owner) |
Contact email |
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