Advantos News

by: Bill Haskett, President

Looking Forward to Advantos news. The last year has been very busy for us. Hometastic v4 has been completed. Advantos ERP v8x is on schedule and is in the QA phase using Internet Explorer. We have increased stability and enhanced functionality. When this upgrade is complete there will be a seemless conversion for our current customers. We will notify everyone before this upgrade is ready.

Our roadmap for Advantos ERP will be to convert its look and feel and to create additional on-form reports with drill-down capabilities.

Hometastic is our web portal that allows management companies to simplify communication with their offices. Homeowners can review their accounts. Board members can obtain real-time reporting of delinquencies, bank accounts, violations, etc. Office personnel can update news and documents to be made available to the properties interests.

We are continually working to upgrade current customers. Our office and apartment functionality has been updated and is being tested. This completed version should be available within the next twelve months. If you haven't upgraded to our new BackOffice product, give us a call to arrange a quick review of the new product features and to schedule your upgrade. Your conversion can usually be done over a week-end and training is minimal.

Our upgrade schedule is being extended as customers are offering suggestions while they upgrade to our version 7 offering.


In This Issue

LiBullet.gif Advantos News
LiBullet.gif Our Clients Ask Questions
LiBullet.gif Using Advantos to Improve Your Business
LiBullet.gif Resources
LiBullet.gif Our Partners


All customers have access to resources that include an administrative manual, on-line help for each web form, as well as telephone and email support for our Advantos ERP application.


Our Partners

Personalized Prop Mgmt, located in Cathedral City, CA, is one of our many clients located throughout the United States.


Special Notice

Haven't talked to us about upgrading to version 7? Call our office to schedule a preview & find out more about the upgrade process.


Our Clients Ask Questions.

See what our clients are asking. One of our customers asks, "Can our Board members 'approve' disbursements?" Is there documentation on how to do this?" Yes. Here's the link to Advantos Help.

The simple solution is to go to Hometastic. Navigate to the 'Web Portal'. Log in and select the Directors Approval explorer node on the left of the web page.

Copy the content of the web report, paste it into an email, highlight what is approved then send the email back to the management company. This will 'authorize' the unpaid invoice to be paid.

Use Advantos to Improve Your Success

Using Advantos to improve your business success. Advantos software was designed to work as the core of a property management business. All the processes are designed to assist the management company to be more efficient, resulting in improved profitability. One of the many available features are the HOMETASTIC websites. Are you using them to improve your relationship with your client boards and owners and enhance staff efficiency?

The HOMETASTIC websites are designed to be an electronic bulletin board and a communication tool for the Boards and the management company. Information is posted there by the website administrator and is available to owners and board members, based on a security level. Being able to direct people to the site for information reduces office contacts--fewer phone calls, emails and drop ins. Recently, we have heard from several clients that they are setting up sections on client sites for real estate agents and rental managers to access information. This has assisted with providing information without the usual interruption and redirection of staff time. Another use for the site is to have information available for renters, especially compliance standards and house rules. Providing these documents has helped landlords and rental managers direct renters to information that will improve compliance results.

Advantos Systems, Inc. - P.O. Box 3545, Lacey, WA 98509-3545 - Tel: +1 (760) 944-5570 Website:  |  Email: Contact Us
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