G/L Postings Reports

This process provide reports on the transactions posted in the T/R System for the current accounting cycle. These transactions will be posted to the G/L System during the month-end update. Because transactions do not go directly to the general ledger, you can correct any errors that occur, ensuring that the financial reports generated from the G/L System are as clean as possible. Below is a description of available reports:

T/R Statement checklist (w/cash totals):

This report is run as part of month-end work and contains an additional checklist of tasks that need to be completed prior to sending out Customer Statements. Only Clients who send paper statements will be reflected on this report and checklist.

G/L 'Trial Balance' (by Client #):

This report is designed to show you whether T/R System postings during the month were correct. If they are, each client balance will be zero (0). This report can be run for a single client or for all clients.

Postings Detail of 'ALL' transactions:

This report is designed to give you information on every transaction that was posted through T/R during the month. This is a very frequently used audit trail report and is also part of the month-end checklist.

Postings Detail (for selected account #s):

This report is identical to the Postings Detail for All Transactions Report, but also includes a separate page showing the client totals of all postings by G/L account number.

Postings Totals (for selected account #s):

This report is identical to the second half of the Posting Detail for Selected Account Numbers Report.

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