General Ledger End-of-Month Checklist

The end-of-month process is required before each module is updated for the month. This checklist is designed to prepare the needed reports and run the required balancing before updating the module. Users should complete each step in order for ALL clients.     [Print this page.]

For Month Of:    
 EOM Task to Complete..... Completed
 Have All other Checklists been Completed?
 G/L > Journal Entries - Enter J/Es  (complete all manual J/Es)
 Validate Financial Balances.
 G/L > EOM - Validate Sub-Accounts  (fix any imbalances)
 G/L > End of Month > Validate Financial Accounts  (fix any imbalances)
 Prepare Financial Reports - Saved to your 'ftp' directory).
 G/L > End of Month > EOM Reports -  (these are saved in your ftp directory, one .pdf for each client)
 Run the Month-End Processes.
 G/L > End-of-Month - EOM Update (save the Fiscal Year Audit Report(s))

Please complete this checklist in the order indicated. Place a check-mark in the checkbox when the task is completed. When the checklist is complete, file it where such process-control documents are filed.     [Print this page.]

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